Problems we are solving for travel advisors

  • Leads: Weddings and related travel leads are expensive to acquire. LOVU is a low funnel lead generation platform for Travel advisors 

  • Commissions: Travel agents split their commission with their host agency. With LOVU agents keep all their commissions

  • Customer Engagement: Travel agents can lose future bookings from clients, LOVU will notify agents when clients are searching to book travel again.

  • Awareness: The marketplace perception of travel agents is that the internet killed them. LOVU promotes the value of using travel agents and spotlights their experiences and value propositions.

  • Community: LOVU is a B2C and B2B romance travel marketplace. Agents are part of a community of top-rated romance sellers.

Selected Works

VIDEOProject type

01 (hero)Project type

About LOVUProject type

03 missionProject type

travel pain pointsProject type

05 For ConsumersProject type

07 For TAsProject type

08 Why NowProject type

09 Size of the marketProject type

10 CompetitionProject type

Value PropositionProject type

Growth PlanProject type

US Market SizeProject type

11 ConsumersProject type

13 Why TA participateProject type

how much lovu costProject type

15 SWOTProject type

16 How to get usersProject type

17 AskProject type

18 FoundersProject type